‘Planty Fierce’ … Sat 29th April, just 2 weeks away !

Belle guarding the ‘Paradox’ welcome garden by Ray Henderson at Gleaning Valley
Stapelia gigantea opeing at ‘Sea-Changer’s’ Shade Hut Foresters Beach by Peter Nixon
High contrasts at ‘Living Edge’ by David Fripp & Blake Jolley at Peats Ridge

That’s right, so mark your planners now !!

Recent rain since January & February’s heat has brought all three Central Coast gardens open Sat fortnight 29th April, 10am – 4pm for ‘Planty Fierce’ $5 entry at each garden, (cash only) including my own ‘Sea-Changer’ into their best condition for this season. There’s a suggested visiting order toes these inspiring industry gardens, all created by horticulturalists shown on the above link but you could just as easily reverse the order, starting at Peats Ridge for ‘Living Edge’ coming down into Glenning Valley for Ray Henderson’s ‘Paradox’ and onto Forresters Beach for my ‘Sea-Changer’. Whichever way you do it, for the “plantiest” day out of Sydney, best to get yourself onto the Pacific Motorway by 8.30am to get plenty of visiting time, lunch at several nearby cafe’s (as listed on link) AND of course, to get the best opportunity at snapping up some of the most exciting designer planting for your own garden with plant sales at all three gardens… !!

Really hope to see you all and I’ll be giving an informal 2pm “walk & talk” here at ‘Sea-Changer’ to reveal some of the best planting here for your own garden.  

Peter Nixon ‘Sea-Changer’ – 21 Lavinia Street, Forresters Beach www.peternixon.com.au  

David Fripp & Blake Jolley ‘Living Edge’ -1483 Peats Ridge Rd, Peats Ridge

Ray Henderson ‘Paradox’ – 25 Curringa Close, Glenning Valley     

‘Planty Fierce’ 3 gardens, 1 day Sat 29th April 10am – 4pm, $5 ea garden

‘Planty Fierce’ Sat 29th April, 2017

3 Central Coast industry gardens within 2o mins of each other, 1 day 10am till 4pm, $5 tiny dollars entry each garden, (children free, no dogs) PLUS fabulous plant sales at every garden. How can you resist !!!

We’ve shifted the date from early March to the cooler prospect of latest April, well after Easter, to make the ‘plantiest’ day possible for you .. all 3 gardens will be at their late summer peak.

Lush abundance at ‘Sea-Changer’

‘Sea-Changer’ – 21 Lavinia Street, Forresters Beach – for Paradisus by Designer Peter Nixon

Rich textural contrasts of ‘Paradox’

‘Paradox’ – 25 Curringa Close, Glenning Valley by specialist sun bromeliad grower Ray Henderson

Bush chic at ‘Living Edge’

‘Living Edge’ Garden & Nursery – 1483 Peats Ridge Rd, Peats Ridge supplied by Plantsman David Fripp designer by Blake Jolley 

I (Peter Nixon) will be giving a half hour garden ‘walk & talk’ 2pm at ‘Sea-Changer’. Lunch at nearby cafe’s, see the Facebook Event ‘Planty Fierce’ for details. A pleasant hour’s drive from the Wahroonga on ramp, leave home by 8.30am for the most ‘Planty’ fun on the Central Coast you’ll have outside a Plant Fair.. !!

Fierce ‘Planty Fierce’ …

Coachwood's plant fever at 'Sea-Changer'
Coachwood’s Ruth Donnally, fielding her plant fever sales at ‘Sea-Changer’

Last Saturday’s ‘Planty Fierce’ at all 4 Central Coast gardens was an unqualified success … Under a brilliant sky, plant sales were brisk and event goers very pleased to see inspirational, never before opened garden spaces they could relate to, with low risk but interesting plants to take home and try in their own gardens that will thrive in similar coastal growing conditions.  

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Seeing and discussing planting at ‘Sea-Changer’

As one ‘Planty Fierce’ attendee put it –  

“Feeling privileged! Planty Fierce did not disappoint. Living Edge was breathtaking; Tabone serene; Paradox an artist’s palette; and Seachanger thrilling. Thank you to owners for opening their very special gardens.”                                                                                                  Michelle Arnebark, President, Green Point Garden Club

Peter Nixon talking with palm specialist & former Pres. Syd sub-Trop Garden Soc Fred Moody
‘Planty Fierce’ convener Peter Nixon talking with palm specialist & former Pres. Syd sub-Trop Garden Soc Fred Moody

Thank you Michelle and thanks also to Cathy & Tony Tabone at ‘Tabone Garden’, Ray Henderson at ‘Paradox’, David Fripp & Blake Jolley at ‘Living Edge’ and my very special ‘Sea-Changer’ Helpers Wendy Pritchard & Brent Wilson, Ambra Sancin and Chantelle Leenstra.     

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So appreciative, just some of the 350 strong garden public surging through ‘Sea-Changer’

Thanks to all those who came along for some or all that           

‘Planty Fierce’ had to offer. It was so good, we might just have to do it all again … !!!!

‘Planty Fierce’ Event Map ..

Worsleya procera -  Blue Hippeastrum
Worsleya procera – Blue Hippeastrum

Mia culpa maxima … forgot to send you a map guide for this Saturday 5th March to get around to all four fierce garden offerings !! Just click here on  ‘Planty Fierce’ to print off the reverse side that has an easy map to follow, showing all garden addresses and their map locations. 

Have the plantiest fierce day ever … !!!

Peter Nixon – Paradisus ‘Sea-Changer’  

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