RE: Designer Peter Nixon ‘Clifton’ Masterclass
on Sydney Cool Sub-tropics Gardens
7 Woolwich Road, Hunters Hill, 10am – 11.30am
Wednesday 1st May, 2019
for L’Arche 4 Sydney
Hi DGN Colleagues,
Thanks for those of you who have responded already since last week’s post to attend my Masterclass $25 @ the door for L’Arche 4 Australia. Some readers have reported difficulty in making their attendance response in the Comments field.. so I’ve fixed it ! To show you would like to attend (or even with an industry friend as well..) use the following –
1.Simply scroll to the end of this follow up post, where the number of comments are shown.
2.Click on that comments number and the page will jump to a view showing all comments so far.
3.Scroll to the end and Leave a Reply appears with a comment field & hit Post Comment
Sooooooooo easy …. and look forward to seeing all of you interested in leveraging the knowledge about your own gardens from Wednesday’s Masterclass, by also joining me here at
‘Sea-Changer’ Instagram the following Saturday, 4th May 10am – 2pm Designers ‘walk & talk’ at midday.
Seats are limited for this exciting ‘Clifton’ Masterclass on Sydney Cool Sub-tropics Gardens, so to give myself and ‘Clifton’ owner / Hunters Hill Open Gardens Convenor Felicity McCaffrey an idea on numbers … PLEASE respond today 😮
Love Your Garden .. !
Peter Nixon – Paradisus & Garden Lovers Blog
Dear Garden Lovers, fill the Comment field under Leave a Reply, to show your interest in attending my ‘Clifton’ Masterclass at Hunters Hill. Maybe you have a friend whose thinking of making changes in the garden ? Just let me know how many will be joining you to learn all about exciting cool subtropics gardening in Sydney. Cheers, Peter
Would love to come.
Thanks Laurie, looking forward to seeinng you then on Wed 1st May at exciting ‘Clifton’Hunters Hill. Cheers, Peter
Thanks Laurie, looking forward to meeting on the 1st May at ‘Clifton’ Masterclass on Sydney Cool Sub-tropics Gardens !! Cheers, Peter
Hi Peter
If it’s a rainy day I’d love to check out your talk & this amazing property otherwise I’ll be in a garden somewhere doing some gardening/maintenance.I’ve given Peter & Jan’s to a friend of mine that’s been helping me there from time to time.The stairs have been playing havoc with my left knee,although I’m still keeping in touch with them & will go about once every two months.
Cheers Anthony.
Hi Anthony,
preying for rain then !!! We need it anyway Anthony 😮 Hope to see you on the day at beautiful ‘Clifton’ and thanks for the update @ No. 12. Will call you soon about that … Cheers, Peter
I would love to come along. I may bring Mary as well.
Yes Libby of course … ! Looking forward to seeing you both at beautiful ‘Clifton’ come 1st May 🙂