Late last month on Sat 28th April, brought a fresh Autumn day for ‘Planty Fierce’ after a much needed morning shower to both my ‘Sea-Changer’ and Ray Henderson’s ‘Paradox’ and plenty of interest from visitors looking for inspiration and a few new treasures from Peter & Ruth Donnelly’s Coachwood sales tables for their own gardens.
Many plants at ‘Sea-Changer’ are grown by Ruth & Peter,

If sun adaptable bromeliads would get you out of a lot of trouble, for that elevated N/W aspect you’re wrestling with for your client’s design…. look no further than Ray Henderson Horticulture to see his heroic ‘Paradox’ plantings at Central Coast’s Glenning Valley.
Ray is your ‘go to guy’ for a myriad of sun adaptable aechmea, billbergia, hohenbergia and even neoregelia that will LOVE your western aspect, even growing as lithophytes over rock with limited or no irrigation. This is the best time of year to plant too, going into cooler weather to give your plants time to adjust into the increasing heat of next season sans scorch and with dazzling ‘stained glass’ colours.
Ray Henderson Hotriculture – 25 Curringa Close, Glenning Valley 0490 263 416
Ruth & Peter Donnally – Coachwood Nursery 0432 590 754 and by appointment