And it is a paradox that Ray Henderson’s garden, by the same name, springs from the floor of Glenning Valley with such a rude blast ..
But why not ? It was certainly a no brainer for inclusion in “Planty Fierce“, a FREE 1 day garden-fest on Saturday 5th March,’16 of 4 fabulous, never before open to the public Central Coast gardens within 30 minutes of each other, so you can easily see them all with lunch at any of the best cafe’s within easy reach – what’s not to like ? Mark your planners now ..
At first, “Paradox” rushes at you from the drive like an irresistible, richly encrusted pizza and then, on closer inspection, it becomes clear there’s a closely woven selection of plants going on here … each located with such great care that a strange cohesiveness binds all into one vibrant whole.

It is a horticultural BLAST, mostly comprising the most sci-fi bromeliads, with complementary daubs of furcrea, aeonium, crassula and kalanchoe. A euphorbia here as ultra fine against a casual rug of oscularia there, with an outcrop of agave over there … you can feel the frisson just standing in front of this garden.
Many of Ray’s exceptional bromeliad hybrids and species for sale, bring plenty of cash and boxes you’ll need them !!!
“Paradox” FREE Entry at “Planty Fierce”, Saturday 5th March 10am till 4pm
Ray Henderson, 25 Curringa Close, Glenning Valley 0413 345 297
Couldn’t find the Yucca in the picture although there was a dominant Dracaena. Equally hero though.
Awwwww, did I say yucca ?? DOH !!! must be the heat this week Craig, its fried my brain mate. Will we see you and the lovely Nurelle at “Planty Fierce” then ..???
I would so be there, Peter, if only I weren’t moving to the UK on 4 March. You don’t get much worse timing than that! I hope you have many visitors; wish I could be there.
Janna….. nooooooooo you’ll be off back to Olde Blighty. Wish WISH, WISHHHHH you were here to come along, lemme know if you have time to see ‘Sea-Changer’ before you go :))
I would so love to, Peter. I’m busier than busy right now but hoping I might calm down towards the end. Will shout if I get the chance to come up there; thanks very much for the offer of a preview!
Completely understand Janna …. always busy before a major move. Best of luck with it hope goes as smoothly as possible 🙂
There’s just a blank here Craig .. ah the gremlins again
Why do you still call it a Yucca elephantipes? Surely you can edit your own post. Again; it’s a Dracaena draco pictured………… 🙂
Oh thanks Craig, what would I do without knowledgeable colleagues .. !!! Have edited and thanks for picking me up on that one, I stand corrected Sir .. ! When might be a good time to call you on Monday to discuss a Plantique selection for a current design .. ?